
Nepal- AMB 2015

It’s not too late to apply! We extended the application deadline- we still have a few spots to fill!









The small mountainous country of Nepal is one of the most breathtaking places on earth. The tropical forests give way to the majestic foothills where you may catch a glance of the Himalayas or even Mt. Everest.

You may find yourself dodging Tuk Tuks or wandering around the local marketplace tasting fruit you have never seen before.

Underneath the tourist and trekking culture, you will find a land enslaved to Hindu Gods and a people who live in constant fear of punishment. You and your team will have the opportunity to hike to unreached villages where there are no roads and the nearest church is two hours away by foot.

You may also help bring sustainability to the remote and primitive villages by delivering water filters and food.

Nepal is ready to hear about a God who loves and cares for them and you can bring the hope they are looking for.

Be the hands and feet of Jesus as you spread the gospel throughout this beautiful land.

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